Fly ash melting and waste heat power generation system using coal as fuel was developed for the secondary pollution of MSW incineration fly ash.
Using Stirling cycle theory,this paper designs a waste heat power generation set.
A brief discussion on problems of power generation by waste heat from low temperature gas in cement kiln concerned the owner;
But for the mesothermal and low temperature power generation by waste heat introduced distributing hot air,the power generated by unit heat enery is then increased greatly——by distributing the hot air entered the preheater,the ratio of gas and solid is decreased,the heat efficiency of the pr.
In combination with real practices of power generation by waste heat,the author analyzes and discusses the control,improvement and usage of the method adopted during industrial water break so as to ensure a stable and smooth operation and management.
With the rapid development of micro electronic and computer technology, the compute based excitation system has been utilized in the waste heat generation.
励磁调节是发电装置的重要控制设备 ,随着微电子技术和计算机技术的飞速发展 ,微机励磁控制在硫酸装置余热发电中得到了应用。
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