We have studied the fusion reaction for 11 Be+ 208 Pb near barrier by applying QMD model, and find taht in the fusion reaction induced by halo nuclei there simultaneously exist two mechanisms competing with each other.
通过用QMD模型研究晕核 11Be + 2 0 8Pb的近垒熔合反应 ,发现晕核引起的熔合反应中 ,并存着两种相互竞争的机制 :一方面当入射晕核 11Be靠近靶核时 ,由于 11Be是弱束缚体系 ,与靶核的相互作用可使其很容易破裂或少数核子被靶核俘获形成核子转移反应 ,从而对于熔合表现出压制 ;另一方面当 11Be的少数中子进入靶核并与靶核相互作用而使得靶核有些激发 ,而使局部半径增大 ,导致熔合势垒降低 ,熔合截面增强 。
In this paper,the concepts of π characteristic functor and fusion were introduced.
引进π-特征函子和熔合的概念 ,研究了一类特殊的有限群的π- Hall子群在熔合理论中的应用 ,并得到了一些有用的结果。
The results showed that there were two kinds of defects,porosity and ill bonding in the laser multi-layer cladding.
Control of special root incomplete fusion flaw produced by fibrin root welding;
The required performance of welding for corrosion resistant overlay on tube plate with no defects such as incomplete fusion and bead crack etc.
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