Study on Intelligent Cocoon-cooking and Reeling System Based on VC++;
The Design and Implementation of Computer Software to Calculate the Piece-Rate Wage for Reeling Workers in a Filature;
In this paper, it is introduced the constitution and characteristics of the computer management system in reeling enterprises.
Analysing the trial silk reeling data, it is shown that there exists a stage-change relationship between silk reeling speed and end-feeding frequency or raw silk quality deviation, as well as production per machine hour.
Therefore, process capacity indices and its scoring method are introduced into silk reeling management, with the theoretical ground of the method expounded.
A success is made in emerged yamamai cocoon silk reeling after the cocoon's hole is sealedwith a solution such as animal protein, showing that the emerged yamamai cocoon with its holesealed maintains its excellent reelability, though its silk yielding is lower than that of unemergedcocoons.
Treatment of filature wastewater by SBR;
The combined process of pressure contact oxidation/sand filtration/biological activated carbon was used to treat the filature wastewater.
The treatment of filature wastewater based on coagulation-sedimentation has been researched in feasibility of the method, selection and mixed amount of coagulating reagent.
对用混凝沉淀法处理缫丝废水可行性、混凝剂种类、最佳用药量做了研究 。
In this paper, we gave a theoretical analysis to the cycle-length of cocoon filament in the raw silk by mixed cocoon reeling, which correlate closely to the size dynamic process in the raw silk reeling with fixed number of cocoons.
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