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anthropometric kinematics是什么意思



1)anthropometric kinematics,身体运动学2)exercise training,身体运动3)body movement,身体运动4)physical activity,身体运动5)students body functions for sports,学生身体运动机能6)yundong yu shenti huɑxue zucheng,运动与身体化学组成


    SD rats were conducte d on exercise training for 8 weeks and exerted on mental stress in the later sta ge of training, β-EP、corticosterone、IL-1βand CD3+、 CD4+ 、CD8+ in pla sma we re measured.

    为了探讨中小负荷运动对心理应激下大鼠心理神经免疫若干指标的影响及其调节机制 ,对 5 4只大鼠进行为期 8周的身体运动 ,并在身体运动后期施加心理应激 ,测定下丘脑及血清中β -EP、皮质酮、IL -1β和血浆T淋巴细胞亚群 (CD3 + 、CD4+ 、CD8+ )等指标的含量。

    By using literature,the influence of exercise training and psycho-behavioral intervention of the immune function of breast cancer patients in recovering period is summde up.


    Sports means as the broad sense concept is the body movement to realize sports aim.


    In this article, the issues regarding PE methodology was studied based on the analysis of the study object of physical education, body movement, in view of the PE s subject characteristics.

    本文从体育学的学科特性出发 ,以体育学研究对象———身体运动———分析体育的方法论问题。

    It is studied why people are puzzled at the difference among the body movement,sport and sports competition.

    就当前人们对身体运动、体育运动与竞技运动的模糊认识进行了研究和分析,所提出的新的视角和方法, 对认识身体运动和界定体育运动与竞技运动, 对人们遵循体育与竞技规律行事, 有重要的指导意义。

    I prefer to express its nature this way: the essence of "physical education" is physical activity,in another sentence,"physical education" treats physical activity as its own purpose.


    We appeal as follows that a good sports philosophy is not only clear,understandable and with time spirit,it should also center on physical activity as its essence(ontology),put the worthiness of human beings and the balanced development o.


    E and health"must be divided into physical activity class and healthy action class.

    研究认为 :“体育与健康”课程应分为身体运动课和健康行为课 ,教材编写应体现系统性、准确性、简明性和可读性。

    range of body movement

    身体运动范围 身体运动范围

    Interpretation of the body relaxing exercise in Japanese physical education curriculum;


    not skillful in physical movement especially with the hands.


    Exercise stimulates the body.


    A quick, jerky movement of the head or body.


    Campaign people healthy, we should take part in more sports!


    Impact on Athlete s Bodyfunction and Performance of Weightcontrol;


    Try to expound the influence of the body character to athletic level of gymnastics athletes;


    (of bodily or muscular movements)controlled by the will


    The gymnast swung on the parallel bars.

    体操运动员在双 上摆动身子.

    Developing Community PE(Physical Education) Culture Improving Nationwide Bodybuilding Campaign;

    发展社区体育文化 推动全民健身运动

    The gymnasts' physical qualities must be excellent.


    People who take part in sports must keep in condition.


    Without question, participation in sport benefits our health and helps to generate a sense of well-being and a cohesiveness in society.


    Influence of body building exercise prescription on the body composition of university students;


    Influence of Exercise on Fitness of Overweight and Obesity Juveniles;


    The Influence of Physical Exercise on Body Composition of Girls during Puberty;


    Jogging is the Optimal Sports for University Students to Improve the Health


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