Establishment of color matching system for shortened and wet steaming and dyeing process with reactive dyes;
This shortened dyeing and wet steaming process accorded with the process condition of clean production featuring energy saving, less consumption and pollution.
比较了纯棉机织物连续染色常用的轧卷法、轧烘热固法和轧烘 /轧蒸法的处方和工艺 ,阐述了易固 发色、经济汽蒸及湿蒸工艺条件、工艺原理及设备 ,指出这些湿短蒸染色皆符合清洁生产要求 ,具有节能、降耗、少污染等优
Research of online model for calculating exhaust enthalpy in wet steam district;
Numerical simulation of expansion rate on two-phase wet steam flow with spontaneous condensation;
Based on the international calculation for thermodynamic properties of steam and the basic equation for steam injection,the author calculates the pressure gradient of the two-phase wet steam flow and decomposes the gradient by using the homogeneous model of the two-phase flow theory.
In the light of the turbulent characteristics of flows in steam turbine cascades,derived and established was the SST k-ω-kp turbulent flow model of wet steam two-phase flow by consulting the conveyance equation theory of particle turbulent energy and on the basis of the turbulent flow model inv.
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