The Application of Slash Decoration Style in Modern Fashion;
The Aesthetic Style and Professional Quality of Fashion Designer;
In analyzing the styles of garment brands, emotional factors were used to classify fashion styles and fashionable dress as one of the forms carrying emotions was indicated.
服装风格分为 :白天情结、下午茶情结、夜晚情结、明星情结 ;指出 :时装在当代已经演变成为人类承载情感的一种形式 ,服装设计情感表达与人类感情之间有很多共通点。
This paper studies the question of fashionable dress design in network age which include three parts,such as the subject of fashionable dress,the subject of fashion and the variety of fashion.
研究时装设计问题 ,从突出主体、表现主题和富于变化 3个方面论述了网络时代的时装特点 。
In terms of its evolution, the thesis analyses the tendency of fashionable dress, especially the new popular tendency of prevalence trend.
运用发展的眼光分析新世纪的时装走向 ,将是一个全新的时装流行潮头的大众化趋势 。
Postgraduate: Zhai Meiyu Supervisor: Liang Hui’e Zhang Jingqiong Major: Fashion Design and EngineeringThis paper made a research on Shanghai’s fashion industry during Republican China, which used Bain’s SCP to describe the characteristics of Shanghai’s fashion industry during that time.
Implementation of CE in fashion design;
Application of the national pattern in the fashion design;
Fancy knitting yarn in fashion design could better display its unique charm.
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