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graduation of thermometer,temperature scale是什么意思



1)graduation of thermometer,temperature scale,温度计刻度2)temperature,温度3)temperatures,温度4)water temperature,温度5)Tempreture,温度6)air temperature,温度


    The control of temperature during the warming up of polymerizer;


    Interaction Effect of Flow Velocity and Temperature on Growth of Microcystis Aeruginosa;


    Experiment research on coal physical oxygen sorption law with temperature and particle size variation;


    Theoretical Research of Temperatures in High Efficiency Deep Grinding(HEDG);


    Effects of temperatures and densities on starvation-tolerance and reproductive capacity of hibernating adults of Microvelia horvathi Lundblad:;


    Toxicity of Methamidophos to Anastaus japonicus Ashmead under different temperatures;


    The influence of water temperature and salinity on the growth of Scrippsiella trochoidea;


    Excretions of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in Ruditapes philippinarum at different water temperatures in the Rushan Bay;


    The influence of stocking density and water temperature on growth in juvenile Esox lucius raised in greenhouse;


    The Influence of Tempreture on the Performance of Woven Geotextile Fabric with Polypropylene Fibre;


    Conclusion is made that to get quality tubes it is important to control proecess tempreture of finish,and the effect of second forming to modelbility of tubes.

    从硬聚氯乙稀 (PVC)塑料纱管的塑化度入手 ,介绍了制品塑化度与其抗冲强度、屈服强度的关系 ;着重指出成型加工温度、二次加工对PVC塑化度的影

    Test carried out on stress change of Vulcanizate in compression process and after compression at different speed and different tempreture with electronic tensile test AG500A,The test results applieel to development of oil seals gains an excellent effect.


    The simulated greenhouse air temperature, humidity and canopy transpiration rate agreed well with the measured data.


    The parameters including solar radiation, air temperature and relative humidity were also measured in the same time period.

    因子分析表明 ,可见光辐射、温度、水汽含量是影响异戊二烯排放的主要因子 ,而且可见光辐射是控制其排放过程的最主要因子 。

    the main elements as photosynthesis active radiation ( PAR ),CO 2 concentration(CO 2),air temperature( Ta ),leaf temperature( Tl) et al have be Measured and logged by Li 6400 portable photosynthesis system.

    对自然生长的辽东栎林木用 LI-640 0测定其光合作用 ,实验包括以下内容 :在完全接近自然生长的条件下测定辽东栎叶片光合作用的日变化规律 ;控制光合有效辐射强度 ,测定叶片在不同 CO2 浓度下光合作用的变化规律 ;控制温度比对应时间段的温度高 2~ 4℃ ,并控制 CO2 浓度在 3 75~ 70 0 ml· m- 3间变化 ,测定辽东栎光合作用的变化情况。

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