Design and Achievement of New Type Electronic Jacquard Card Control System;
Having changed the traditional drafting arrangement made that accord with heddles of more eyes,then design the new harness draft and chain draft.
On the basis of it,a method of chain draft design is presented.
Cause of the fault for tread plate processed from cast-rolling stock and resolution method;
The process of producing 3A21 tread plates by two-roller rolling mill was studied.
Mathe matical model and calculation for heat transfer during condensation on surfaces of corrugated plates;
In the paper,the separation principle,the history and the newly development of the corrugated plates coalescing oil-water separation technology are summarized,discussion on the difficulties and the problems met in the research progress was done,some proposals are also given for the further research as well in the paper.
The paper presents the hasic structure and special features of shell type teat exchangers equipped with corrugated plates.
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