Polygon simplification in scaleless GIS (geographic information system) is based on the line generalization of polygon arcs, but there may be topological errors in output data resulting from the direct line generalization of polygon s arcs, and the major representation of the error is the intersection of the simplified polygon s arcs.
无级比例尺 GIS(geographic information system)多边形化简的基础是多边形弧段的线综合 ,而直接对多边形的弧段施加线综合操作可能造成输出数据的拓扑错误 ,主要表现为化简后弧段出现相交 。
Research on adjustment models for curve generalization in GIS;
Douglas-Peucker method is a famous method for curve generalization in automated cartography.
基于Douglas Peucker(简称D P算法 )曲线综合方法存在的主要问题 ,提出并初步实现了相应的克服算法 :双侧偏移量法和顾及等值偏移值的多叉树结构化曲线综合方
It discusses the on line simplification to the line object in detail.
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