In order to make a reasonable choice of three completions of clothing for better carding effect,introduction is made to the evolvement of carding clothing systematically.
3 tex,optimization is done to the specifications of cylinder clothing,ad hoc setting ratio of the cylinders and the flat along with the lengthway and transverse setting ratio of the cylinder clothing,in consideration of the limitation of the conventional card.
3 tex纱成纱质量,结合老型号梳棉机的局限性,采用优化锡林针布参数,特别是优化锡林、盖板齿密比和锡林针布横、纵向齿密比进行试纺;分析试纺结果表明,锡林、盖板齿密比大对成纱质量提高有利,锡林横、纵向齿密比小(3。
Analysis is done to the clothing of quadruple setting regarding the performance.
Discussion on Development of Man-made Fibre Card Clothing in Try Carding Processing of Cotton Type Polyester Fibre with Microfibre Card Clothing;
Synthetical Judgement Research of Fine Tex Fibre Card Clothing;
Application and Experience of MK5D Carding Machine Equipped with Homemade Card Clothing;
Analyses of Processing Property of New Type Carding Cloth;
In this paper are introduced its proper choice of carding cloth and its carding technology in producing extra-fine combed yarn of fine cotton blended with long fiber cotton.
Issues of carding cloth,dust and noil absorption system,blow carding auto leveler,carding process between cylinder and flats of a carding machine are discussed.
The spheroidized structure and process of 70Nb and 50Cr alloy steel wires for metal card clothing after low temperature annealing was studied.
Now the carding equipment always adapts metal card clothing.
80 mm special alloy steel wire for metal card clothing were studied,and their technique parameters were respectively found out.
Comparison is done to the cylinder clothing AC2525×01545 and the conventional one AC2525×01550 regarding carded sliver production,spinning quality.
Features of modern card clothing are demonstrated from technologies of cylinder clothing,doffer clothing,flat clothing,take-in roller wire,fixed flat and carding plate.
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