Trial Discussion of Testing Slubby Yarn Twist by Picture Method;
Analysis of distribution regulation of slub yarn twist;
Feasibility of preparing activated carbon from bamboo knot with phosphorous acid by microwave radiation was studied.
Feasibility of activated carbon preparation from bamboo knot by microwave radiation was studied.
Through tests of ACCC under different high temperature conditions,it is found that under high temperature,the surface of carbon fiber composite core of strain jumper section will appear something like "bamboo knots",which requires special attention in design.
The bamboo char was activated in an inert environment with excessive potassium hydroxide under different activation conditions.
以竹节为原料 ,采用KOH化学活化法制备高比表面积活性炭。
Quality control of 58.3 tex cotton/spandex core-spun slub yarn;
58.3 tex棉氨纶包芯竹节纱的质量控制
Development of polynosic fiber/color cotton elastic core-spun slub yarn;
Development of 13.6 tex bamboo/fine polyester blended slub yarn;
13.6 tex竹纤维/细特涤纶混纺竹节纱的研制
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