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selftightknot; drawknot; fisherman's,knot是什么意思



1)selftightknot; drawknot; fisherman's,knot,自紧结2)autofrettage,自紧3)mechanical autofrettage,机械自紧4)autofrettage pressure,自紧压力5)autofrettaged gun barrel,自紧身管6)Autofrettaged,自紧身


    A double-layer cylinder of shrink and autofrettage is used and the computed formula of elastic strength is derivated.


    This paper performs the stress analysis of autofrettaged hydraulic coupling outer sleeve for ideal elastic-plastic materials, deduces the formula of residual stress with autofrettaged stress uninstalled, and gets relation between Bauschinger effect and the best diameter rate of no-producing reversed yield for ideal elastic-plastic materials.

    本文对液压联轴节外套进行了理想弹塑性自紧应力分析 ,推导出外套弹塑性自紧卸载后的残余应力公式 ,得到了全塑性自紧卸载不产生反向屈服的最佳外内径比与鲍辛格效应系数间的关系。

    A method of defining the autofrettage of a thick-walled cylindrical tube is given from the viewpoint of shakedown.


    Therefore,when a complex mechanical autofrettage technique of eliminating Bauschinger effect was studied,It may be used for reference in enhancing the strength of autofrettage cylinder.

    由于Bauschinger效应的影响 ,自紧厚壁管反向屈服现象普遍存在 ,使得内壁残余应力减少 ,厚壁管承载能力下降 ,因此 ,通过复合机械自紧技术 ,可消除Bauschinger效应 ,提高自紧厚壁管的弹性强度。

    from mechanical analysis of element of lamina and reasonable assumption, ananalytical method is provided for studying calculation of the mandrel pushforce in mechanical autofrettage of exponential material thick-walled cylinders.


    Providing a new method for calculating autofrettage pressure of CNG2 type cylinder that is based on buckling strength and buckling ratio of material of the cylinder liner,used the characteristics of FEA that can accurately calculate the tension of every part in CNG2 type cylinder.


    Based on probabilistic fracture meclianics theory and Monte Carlo siniulation,a reliability analysis method for fatigue life of autofrettaged gun barrel is given.


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