The improvement of hydraulic support prop dismantle processes in fire area;
The veinlet belt orebady of Tongkeng Mine with spontaneous ignition formats a fire area,that makes mining sequence disorder,and a great number of stoped areas untreated.
3 mining fire area,Dedao Shenghe Coal Mine,Jixi Mining Industry Group Comp.
Pillar collapse and ground activities not only caused reserve loss, fired area spread and gound-control difficulty, but also were a actual factor limiting the mine production for long time.
Inerting mechanism of three-phase foam containing nitrogen and its application to underground fire zone;
The practical measures of control of fire zones and effect is discussed.
By defining a control volume containing all the fire, smoke and air flow in fire zone, the mechanism of flow resistance of the fire zone in horizontal tunnel with longitudinal ventilation was analyzed, and a theoretical model for calculating the fire zone s flow resistance was proposed.
Experiences and lessons of controlling 315 fire field of 11~#coal level in Yongdingzhuang mine;
Coalfield fires resulted from coal spontaneous combustion has already become one of the major casualties of coal production.
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