Kondo effect in double quantum dots coupled to ferromagnetic leads;
Multiferroic materials with two or three kinds of coupled ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and ferroelastic properties attract more and more attentions both in academic and engineering societies because of their wide potential applications.
Multiferroic materials have not only single ferroelectric,ferromagnetic and ferroelastic properties,but also multiferroic coupling effects,which lead to new effects.
Perpendicular and longitudinal exchange biasing inferromagnet/antiferromagnet multilayers;
Taking into account the spin polarized and interface roughness scattering effect, within scattering formalism, we calculate the shot noise in the ferromagnet superconductor tunneling junction.
考虑到铁磁层中的自旋极化效应与粗糙界面散射效应 ,利用散射理论 ,讨论铁磁 超导隧道结中的散粒噪声 。
And the interaction in Mn+4-O-Mn+4 increased the transitional temperature from antimagnetism to ferromagnetism.
Monte Carlo method is used to study hysteresis loops of FM/AFM systems with FM core embedded in an AFM matrix in a classical Heisenberg model.
利用经典Heisenberg模型和Monte Carlo方法研究外磁场和反铁磁磁晶各向异性、交换相互作用对铁磁球均匀嵌入到反铁磁基体中的铁磁/反铁磁纳米体系磁滞回线的影响。
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