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ventilation network是什么意思



1)ventilation network,通风网2)Ventilation network,通风网络3)ventilation network,通风网路4)ventilation networks,通风网路5)Ventilation network graph,通风网络图6)mine ventilation network,矿井通风网络


    This paper discusses problems of solving general type ventilation network ,eslablishes mathematical model of solving general type ventilation network.


    New algorithm for computing ventilation network reliability based on network simplification technology;


    Improvement of determination method of path quantity in ventilation network;


    Determination of mine ventilation network max-flow based on independent paths;


    Quantitative analysis of reliability of mine ventilation network;


    A preliminary research in the looping-in method of ventilation network circuits;


    Simultaneously, in view of different forms and scopes of ventilation network, the corresponding mathematic model is established for the stability analysis.


    Based on some problems existing in mine ventilation of main fans, approaches and measures for improving their economic benifits have been discussed from the three respects of ventilation networks, main fan and their performance matching.

    从分析影响矿井主扇耗电量入手 ,结合我国煤矿井下通风中存在的一些问题 ,以轴流式通风机组成的通风系统为例 ,从通风网路、通风机和两者特性的相互匹配三方面探讨了提高矿井主扇通风经济效益的途径和措

    The ventilation network graph is one of the important drawings in the ventilation management of the coal mines.

    矿井通风网络图是矿井通风管理的重要图件之一 ,也是进行矿井通风系统模拟、网络解算、通风系统优化的基础资料 。

    Calculation of system reliability for mine ventilation network based on boolean manipulation and minimization algorithm in the minimal cut sets;


    In this paper,based on the method of Boolean manipulation and minimization algorithm in the independence minimal path sets,and applied reliability engineering theory,a new method is proposed for calculating reliability of mine ventilation network system.

    运用可靠性工程理论及不交型积之和定律 ,在大型网络系统可靠度计算的基础上 ,提出了矿井通风网络系统最大线性无关最小独立路集予以真子集涤除的不交化可靠度计算的实现方法 。

    Based on contraction mapping theorem of analysis mathematics, the non-steady flow mathematical model of mine ventilation network was analyzed.


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