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open hole是什么意思



1)open hole,无套管钻孔2)uncased bore hole,无套管钻孔3)jacket free continuous rolling mill,无套连轧4)no arbitrage,无套利5)no-arbitrage,无套利6)weak no-arbitrage,弱无套利7)strip of no-arbitrage,无套利带8)strong no-arbitrage,强无套利9)uncased,无套管的10)free sheath difference cots,无套差胶辊


    By using basic building blocks of derivatives theory:delta hedging and no arbitrage,this paper studies the price of Asian options with constant average duration which is differ from plain vanilla ones and the underlying assets(temperature)are assumed to be driven by fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process which is reasonable for weather derivatives.

    本文运用衍生证券理论的最基本原理(△对冲和无套利原理) ,研究了一种新型亚式期权的定价问题,该类型期权因具有常数平均值久期而不同于标准化情形。

    The theories and models are surveyed from two aspects namely traditional theories and modern models of term structure, main models in the frame of equilibrium and no arbitrage and their new evolvements are included.


    Study on no-arbitrage property of dividend discount model;


    In this paper,we give the characterization of no-arbitrage.


    When the financial assets and the states of nature are finite and when the friction is subject to proportional transaction costs, we characterize the existence or a necessary and sufficient condition of an optimal consumption-portfolio policy by no-arbitrage of the original market as well as a transformed market.


    This paper studies the problem of weak no-arbitrage in a frictional market with transaction costs and bid-ask spreads.

    本文针对存在买进卖出差价和交易费两种摩擦形式的金融市场 ,利用凸分析、非线性规划等优化工具 ,给出了弱无套利的一个本质刻画 ,以及有关状态价格和弱无套利的一系列结果 ,推广了以往文献中的许多已知结果。

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