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morphological types是什么意思



1)morphological types,形态类型2)Morphological type,形态类型3)pattern and type,形态类型4)type and form,类型形态5)Morphologic type,形态学类型6)the type and form criticism,类型形态学


    Some problems of drupes and their morphological types are discussed as concepts; the typical drupes such as those of peach, plum, apricot etc.

    对核果及其形态类型的解释等概念问题作了总结;明确强调了一般公认的如桃、李、杏等“典型核果”是由单心皮单室、每室2 胚珠子房发育而来的,宜作“二珠单子典型核果”处理,而由单心皮单室,每室1 胚珠子房发育来的核果拟作“单珠典型核果”;列出了核果16 个形态类型的检索表。

    The gratifying results are achieved in provenance selection and division, morphological types, construction techniques of seed orchards and stands of mother trees, determination of filial generation, family selection and genetic increment of comprehensive selection and breeding of Pinus sylvestris var.

    对樟子松遗传改良 2 0多年的研究工作进行了全面总结 ,在樟子松种源选择与区划、樟子松形态类型、种子园及母树林营建技术、子代测定与家系选择及综合选育遗传增益等方面的研究 ,取得了可喜成果 ,为樟子松生产提供了有益的参

    Based on the investigation and analyses of the fishermen s residence status living in the region of southern Liaoning Province,this paper sums up the fishermen s living and producing patterns and extracts information about the pattern and type of the traditional settlement.


    Concluding from concluding the pattern and type of the typical vernacular dwelling,the study has proposed the outstanding strategy .


    It is in pursuit of the general character of arts for the contemporapy Chinese full-length novels in the epic type and contemporapy form to construct the arts form and cricite the works and so it sets up a new criticism: the type and form criticism.


    The vcngcance formation in Medea belongs to that of love sctback.


    Research on the Spatial Structures and Morphological Types of Shanghai's "One City and Nine Towns";


    Research on Automated Relief Form Types Classification of China Based on DEM;


    Quantitative Extraction and Analysis of Basic Morphological Types of Land Geomorphology in China


    The Structural Forms of Descriptive Adjectives in South-Shaoyang Dialect;


    On the Construction,Types and Transform of General Contradictory Forms;


    Comparison of leaflet characters between variant and type of Zanthoxylum nitidum


    The Rural-City Continuum: Thought on -Typology of Human Compact community;


    Study on Anatomy of the Stems of the Growth of Different Types Among Mosses


    Study of the Correlation Factors between Type of Cerebral Vessels and Formation of Cerebral Aneurysms


    Disk,Type,Capacity,Unallocated Space,Status,Device Type,Partition Style,


    Effects of Different Types of Load on Morphological Changes of Humerus and Femur


    DeShong, M. "Housing Typology and Urban Morphology: London and Paris." 1990.


    Under the Cultural Anthropology Sight in Yunnan the Market Town Settlement Form Evolution;


    Research on the Architectural Modality of the Neoteric Residence House of Chang Sha with the Architectural Typology;


    Study on Characteristics of Morphological Structure and Vigor of Different Types of Maize Seeds (Zea Mays L.);


    Different Soil Organic Matter Fractions of Three Forest Types in Kuanba Forest Region;


    Narrative Patterns and Logic Forms of 1920s Revolutionary Fictions;


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