Purpose To study whether apoptosis play a role in controlling the number of olfactory receptor neurons, so as to reveal the speciality and its relationship in neurogenesis.
目的 研究凋亡是否参与嗅上皮正常生理更替和嗅球摘除后嗅觉神经元死亡后再生过程 ,探讨凋亡与神经元再生的关系。
Olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) not only can regenerate,but also they are true bipolar neurons directly exposed to the external environment.
正常情况下,生物体内嗅觉神经元(olfactory receptor neurons, ORNs)的再生与凋亡处于动态平衡之中,即通过基底细胞生成,神经细胞分化、成熟,ORNs凋亡的动态平衡而维持正常的嗅觉功能。
A bionic mode simulating olfactory neural system,KⅢ model,and its application to face recognition are researched in this paper.
Not only is it due to the fact that olfactory system is yet among the most unknown sensory neural systems, but also because olfactory neural system has been reported to be tightly related to the learning and memory mechanisms of the brain.
This paper presents a novel method directly dealing with time series of the sensors responses based on an olfactory neural network with many dynamic properties.
Computerized three dimensional reconstruction of the insect olfactory nerves.;
The Mechanism of the Formation of Olfaction and its Relevant Research Advancement;
The Advance of Research in Electro-physiology and Chip Techniques for Olfaction and Gustation;
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