This paper introduces the method of determining overburden pressure by using density logging data.
There are certain relations among overburden pressure,underlying fluid pressure and matrix stress,and different understandings of how to describe or depict them in the end.
This paper aims at the question that the carbonate fonnation pressure is relatively difficult to predict, proposes estimating formation fracture pressure new method in carbonate profile by using pseudo overburden pressure method, discusses how to establish pseudo overburden pressure model in carbonate profile, and determine the parameter of model .
Combined with the application of the equipment in Wugou coal mine,it introduces the setting and application process of LBY-Ⅲ instrument of roof separation,and points out that the equipment can make the progressive early prediction to the separation of rock stratum.
Based on the site situation of interrupting work of bored piles during the construction of Maoliger Large Bridge in Hohhot-Hailar Corridor,Inner Mongolia,such as the collapse of boring wall,interrupting piles,on large side of the coefficient of borehole reaming,the rock stratum being stiff,etc.
The cracking phenomenon of the vast underground rock stratum that has been accumulated for long years due to earghquakes is basically similar to the cracking process of the focus of an seism or a rock specimen.
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