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core test是什么意思



1)core test,岩心测试2)whole-core test,全岩心测试3)core simulation test,岩心模拟测试4)core test,岩心试验5)test core,试验岩心6)core sample,岩心试样


    In consideration of the differences between core testing and water i.

    同时针对室内岩心试验与实际储层注水状况的差别 ,设计出了评价注入水性能以及注水状况的综合试验方

    The paper summarizes the status quo of the study about the water shutoff technology in gas field at home and abroad, and presents experiment results of core test and field application case of water shutoff technology in gas well.

    综述国内外气田堵水技术的研究进展情况 ,介绍国内外学者在气井堵水技术方面在室内岩心试验取得的试验结果及现场应用情况 ,提出今后气井堵水技术的发展趋势及研究重点。

    The paper introduced the composition, preparation, plugging mechanism, indoor study and core testing of amphion weak gel profile control agent.


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