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Sample of rock是什么意思



1)Sample of rock,岩心样品2)Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rock,超高压变质岩岩心样品3)core,岩心4)cores,岩心5)core analysis,岩心分析6)artificial core,人工岩心


    Primary research on lateral accretion with horizontal well core samples;


    Core Test of Profile Control and Displacemrnt by Combining Weak Gel with Microbe;


    Experimental research of the transmission characteristic of low frequency hydrodynamic oscillation in cores;


    This is due to the skin effect of cores.


    A method for determining oil and water saturations in cores by volume?_CT scanner was developed on the basis of X_ray hardening treatment,X_ray drifting correction,martix transformation of imagines and position correction of CT images with volume?_CT technology.

    对CT图像进行了X射线硬化处理、X射线漂移校正、图像矩阵变换及体积CT位置校正 ,研究出用体积CT对岩心流体饱和度进行测量的技术。

    The changes of relative permeability for oil phase,kro, and for water phase, krw, determined at 80℃ in oil displacement experiments on cores by formation water (FW) of Caoqiao, Shengli, and 1% solutions of anionic surfactants HD1 and HD2 in FW (HD1, HD2 solution) are investigated.

    通过岩心流动实验,测定了80℃时胜利草桥某井地层水、两种磺酸盐类阴离子表面活性剂HD 1和HD 2的1%地层水溶液驱油时,油相和水相相对渗透率kro和krw的变化。

    Accuracy of CT core analysis;


    Development and prospect of core analysis instrument in China.;


    From core analysis, through systematical study on reservoir's four- property- relationships among lithology, physical property, oil-bearing and electricity in Putaogou oilfield, four-property-relationship logging interpretation chart is established, which provides basis for the interpretation of water and oil.


    Gas hydrate has been synthesized and then decomposed in artificial cores.


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