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Salt spray corrosion是什么意思



1)Salt spray corrosion,盐水腐蚀2)brine,盐水3)salt water,盐水4)Saline Solution,盐水5)saline resistant,耐盐水6)saline mud,盐水泥浆


    Development and application of refining process of brine;


    Simulation and analysis of diphenylmethane diisocyanate brine extract process;


    The corrosion process and mechanism of 55%Al-Zn alloy coating in salt water were illuminated.

    采用全浸、半浸和盐雾等试验方法研究了钢板热镀 5 5 %Al-Zn合金镀层在 3%NaCl的盐水溶液中的腐蚀行为 。

    The experiments of the refrigeration of diluted salt water and the partial melting of salt-containing ice to acquire fresh water have been done.

    进行了低浓度盐溶液的冷冻及含盐冰的部分融化实验 ,实验表明柴达木盆地盐湖区的盐水可通过自然冷冻实现浓淡分离 ,盐溶液自然冷冻以及含盐冰部分融化的脱盐效果都有相应的最适宜温度范围 ,所以随着冷季温度的变化处理相应浓度的盐水才能取得最佳效果。

    It has a well corr-osion inhibiting efficiency in salt water or mud.

    通过采用胺类和卤代烷反应 ,合成出在盐水及泥浆介质中具有较好缓蚀效果的缓蚀剂 HZ- 1 。

    High-dose furosemide and hypertonic saline solution infusion for treatment of senile patients with refractory congestive heart failure;


    Twenty-four patients received topical treatment,including immersion bath with hypertonic saline solution and the application of epidermal grow.


    Objective To explore the changes in ionic pump functions of cardiomyocyte cell membrane and the effects of compound hyperosmotic saline solution.


    The toughness and saline resistant of DAIP were improved significantly by maleinized ploybutadiene.


    Analytical correction method and its application in saline mud-log in Liaohe tidal zone and shallow water area;


    Because it is difficult to identify the reservoir fluid accurately under saline mud condition in Kuihuadao oilfield, we have carried out a research on the method of identifying reservoir fluids in the oilfield using plenty of production test or production data and 3700 logging data to improve the coincidence rate.


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