The results show that the samples are composed of tremolite except Manasi green jade which consists of actinolite.
拉曼光谱测定的 2 8件闪石岩类玉石样品中 ,除玛纳斯碧玉是阳起石外 ,其他均为透闪石。
Based on the analyses, it can be determined that the major mineral composition of Hetain jade and Manasi green jade is tremolite and actinolite respectively, whereas Xiuyan old jade is composed of both tremolite and actinolite.
本文用电子探针研究了和田玉、玛纳斯碧玉和岫岩老玉的矿物成分 ,结果表明和田玉的主要矿物成分是透闪石 ,玛纳斯碧玉是阳起石 ,而岫岩老玉则由透闪石和阳起石组成 ,并论述了它们的产地特
The major mineral association in keratophyre rocks from Donggouba area is actinolite+chlorite+epidote+pumpellyite+albite.
Actinolite and pyroxene phenocrysts separated respectively,from chlorite-actinolite schist and altered pillow basalt in the E rou area of the eastern part of the Shuanghu-Longmuco suture zone, yield well-defined ~ 40 Ar/~ 39 Ar plateau ages of 235.
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