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chlorophyll porphyrin是什么意思



1)chlorophyll porphyrin,叶绿素卟啉2)leaf green ;foliage green,叶绿3)chlorophyll-a,叶绿素a4)chlorophyll,叶绿素5)Chl-a,叶绿素a6)Chlorophyll a,叶绿素a7)ferricopiapite,铜叶绿矾8)Chlorophyll-a,叶绿素-a9)Chla,叶绿素a10)chlorophyll a,叶绿素


    Mutlianalysis between chlorophyll-a and environmental factors in Dianshan Lake water;


    Inversion of chlorophyll-a concentration in turbid water of Lake Taihu based on optimized multi-spectral combination;


    Multi-analysis of Chlorophyll-a and Environmental Factors in a Surface Water Source in Zhengzhou, China;


    Study on stability of chlorophyll from Corydalis;


    Study on the optimum extraction condition of the chlorophyll from ulva pertusa;


    Prediction of broccoli chlorophyll change during storage by difference method;


    Effect of hydroxyl on chl-a in algae cells;


    Distribution characteristics and influenced factors of Chl-a in Beihai Bay;


    The algal biomass was measured daily; its Chl-a content, the amount of Mn adsorbed on an algal and its Mn content were measured at the end of the test runs.


    Transient Absorption of the Chlorophyll a in Ethanol;


    Discussing about chlorophyll a determination method in fresh water;


    Spatial-temporal distribution of chlorophyll a in the Zhelin Bay——A large-scale maricultural area;


    Cuprocopiapite and ferricopiapite found for first time in oxidized zone of Hongshan HS-epithermal Cu-Au deposit,East Tianshan,and their mineralogical characteristics;


    Case Study on Growth of Chlorophyll-a in Dianchi Lake by Chlorophyll-a Method;


    Using gray connection to research relationship between chlorophyll-a and environmental factors in Wulihu Lake in Taihu region was done in the present study.


    The chlorophyll-a (1) was converted into the chlorins 2b~4b by air-oxidation in acid or basic condition.

    在酸碱性条件下对叶绿素-a (1)进行空气氧化反应, 分别得到卟吩衍生物 2b~4b; 通过酯交换和去金属镁离子,将叶绿素-a 转化为脱镁叶绿酸-a 甲酯(MPa) (5), 其 3-位碳碳双键与氯化氢的加成生成卟吩醇(6), 经碱性空气氧化和 E-环重排则转化成紫红素-18衍生物7。

    The results showed that light shading could greatly reduce the alga biomass without removing nutrients after 9 days, considering that Chla declined from 130.


    Ocean primary productivity is based on chla, which mainly denotes itself as the integral of the velocity of photosynthesis of chlorophyll and the density of chlorophyll in euphotic layer.


    It seems nothing happens for the chlorophyll A (Chla) in the leaves of plants, even exposure in strong sunlight of summer.

    有机溶剂中的叶绿素a很快会发生光解 ,但即使在夏日炎炎烈日暴晒下 ,叶片中的叶绿素a却没有任何变化。

    Relationship between chlorophyll a and inorganic nitrogen and phosphate in the Changjiang estuary and its adjacent waters;


    Based on the field observations in Jiaozhou Bay (JZB) between Angust, 1997 and June,1998,the seasonal variations of nutrients and chlorophyll a in the water column in JZB are presented.

    在 1997- 0 8~ 1998- 0 6间 5次海洋调查的基础上 ,分析讨论了胶州湾内外水体营养盐和叶绿素的季节变化特征及其影响因子。

    The results showed that,in the Antarctic waters,the Southern Atlantic Ocean is the most fertile,chlorophyll a concentration averaged over 2 μg/dm 3;average POC concentration was also the highest (>100μg/dm 3),while being lower in the Drake.

    198 9/1 990年夏季作者在中国第六次南极考察环极航行中 ,对南大洋不同海区的浮游植物细胞大小分级叶绿素 a和初级生产力、颗粒有机碳及有关环境参数进行了测定。

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