By using mutation and extending searching space, an efficient single loop SAA is improved.
通过研究模拟退火算法搜索过程,分析了搜索初期和后期2 种情况下算法可能长期陷入局部点无法跳出的原因,分别采用变异操作和扩大搜索空间的方法对一种单循环模拟退火算法予以改进;改进算法应用于锌电解过程分时供电优化,现场运行结果表明:优化所得的合理分时供电方案用于指导锌电解生产,为厂矿企业带来显著的经济效益。
We propose a modified genetic algorithm(GA) without mutation operators in order to reduce computation time and to simplify designing.
Considering that the organisms have the phenomena of escaping from the original cradle when they find the survival density is too high to live, this paper uses a special mutation –escape operator to make particles explore the search space more efficientl.
An improved approach called big mutation operation is proposed to avoid local optima.
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