The result of oil quality.
初步油质检验表明 ,水酶法比浸出法制得的毛油更清亮 ,酸价略低 ,磷脂少 ,油质稳定。
It is believed from analysis that the main causes resulting in said troubles are due to long-term exceedng set standard for the quality of fire-resistant oil,The main causes leading oil quality to be not up to standard are as follows: local overtemperature,local standstill of oil flow,and insufficient regeneration etc.
沙角C电厂3×660 MW机组自投产以来高、中压汽阀(汽阀)故障频发,分析认为其主要为抗燃油品质长期超标所致,而油质不合格的主要原因为局部超温、局部油滞留、再生不足等。
It analyze the mechnism and factor influencing turbine lubricating oil quality,and have got the conclusion of major oil quality pollution source being made by bearing box inversing pressure and sealing steam leaking,thus an oil fender functional improvement is put forward.
分析了影响汽轮机润滑油质的因素及机理 ,认为轴承箱内负压和汽封漏汽造成油挡处成为重要的油质污染点 ,建议对油挡进行结构改进 ,并提出改进方案和设
It is indicated from drilling that Chepaizi swell is characterized by multiple oil-bearing zones,multiple reservoir types and multiple oleaginous grades.
It was showed that the technology can significantly reduce the olefin content of gasoline (20%-30% reduction), the gasoline quality to be improved, the octane number unchanged with gasoline test method, the octane number rose with motor test.
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