The incidence rate of adverse drug reactions(ADR)of the treatment group was 5.7%.
治疗组药物不良反应发生率 5 .7%。
adverse reaction(ADR)rates were 6.83%,12.01% and 10.87% respectively;
The incidence rate of ADR is high when concomitant with other drugs, account for 43.14%.
The effective rate was 62.79%, and the incidence of adverse drug reaction(ADR) was 9.30%.
Conclusion During MR enhanced scans,the incidence of omniscanTM induced adverse reaction is lower and therefore omniscanTM can be safely used for clinical diagnosis.
Study on Incidence of Adverse Reaction Induced by Chinese Herbal Injection Based on Multiple Cases Analysis
Results& Conclusion The incidence of adverse drug reactions could be effectively decreased in kidney transplant patients by the way of pharmaceutical care.
RESULTS The ADR rate of indomethacin i n shanghai patients with arthro-ostearthropathy is about 48 1%.
结果 上海骨关节疾病患者中口服吲哚美辛的不良反应发生率为 48 1%。
Safety analysis was based on the incidence of aderse eents.
Conclusion: It should to strengthen the reasonableness on the appliance of Chinese patent medicine, in order to lower the occurring rate of adverse reactions.
Result: This method may guide patients to use drugs rationally, and may reduce the detrimental effects and medical accidents of dermatology drug.
Investigation on Adverse Reactions and Their Prevention of Pediatric Drugs;
The incidence of innutrition is 0?08% and the incidence of anaemia is 0?08%.
营养不良发生率为0 08%; 贫血率为0 08%.
Oxidation of milk fat may occur at the double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acids, giving rise to undesirable flavours (see Flavours).
Conclusion We should be emphasize ADR monitoring,rational use of drug and prevention of AIAS.
The Statistical Analysis on Antibacterials Irrational Use Inducing Drug Adverse Reaction;
The most frequent reaction causing the self-sealing of rocks with high secondary permeability is argillization.
No history of psychiatric illness was noted, but the patient reported an adverse psychiatric reaction to ketoconazole.