Character-printers are proposed to apply in vehicles because the pins of pin-printers are easily broken due to vibration.
Fault diagnosis technology of launch vehicle based on distributed expert system;
Modeling and Simulation of Navigation Calculating Subsystem of Launch Vehicle;
Onboard real-time compression of launch vehicle telemetry images;
Selection and welding of aluminum alloy in vehicle;
It illuminates the effect and necessity to weld aluminum alloy in manufacturing vehicle,describes the mechanical properties of joint by welding aluminum alloy and analyzes the difficult problem in welding,also,it introduces a new method of friction stir welding to solve the problem of welding aluminum alloy.
Automatic pressure loading system used for anti - pressure intensity test of carrier rocket parts;
Serial communications of united testing system on desktop of carrier rocket is mainly realized through computer s RS232 port.
运载火箭桌面联试系统主要利用微机的RS 232口进行串行通信,主控计算机与发控台、箭机之间多路串口通信的实现方法在运载火箭测试发控系统设计中占据重要地位。
To our best knowledge, there does not exist a model for aeroservoelastic analysis of large carrier rocket when occurrence of fault during process of dropping boosters produces non symmetries in one, two, or all three of the following distributions: (1)structural rigidity, (2)mass, (3)aerodynamic pressure.
在运载火箭抛助推器故障造成结构刚度、质量分布和气动力分布不对称条件下 ,建立了运载火箭气动伺服弹性分析的数学模型 ,以及非对称情况运载火箭结构弹性振动特性分析有限单元法模型 ,并求解了其频率和振型。
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