A suit of spout-sedimentary rocks was discovered to occur above and beneath the ore body.
By applying OBMI imaging logging technique to a sedimentary study in Block S,the stratigraphic occurence,the provenance direction and the water energy are determined,and it is concluded that the regional sedimentary system mainly consist of deep-water mudstones and turbidite deposits with various sizes.
64 Bouma sequences of the turbidity deposit are divided within the whole thickness of 20 meters along the eastern margin.
The writer suggests that the Pengheshi Formation complex is turbidite, shows low grade metamorphism, and has an inbricate structural relation with granitic gneiss.
通过对朋河石岩组分布区的地质填图、地质剖面观察及接触关系研究 ,将朋河石岩组分为二个段 ,并指出该岩组变质程度属低绿片岩相 ,上部变质压力较高 ,达中高压相系 ;该岩组为浊流沉积产物 ,与下伏赋存榴辉岩的花岗质片麻岩呈构造叠覆接触关系。
The strongly deformed and low graded metasedimentary sequences are interpreted to be turbidite deposits of submarine fan.
南极南设得兰群岛利文斯顿岛 Miers Bluff组 (MBF)是一套岩层倒转、强烈变形、浅变质的浊流沉积地层 ,主要由砂岩、泥岩、粉砂岩及含砾砂岩组成 ,具有很好的韵律层 ,形成鲍玛序列 ,通常被认为属于近海底扇浊流沉积 ,并当作中新生代火山岩的基底。
The turbidite has a complete Bouma sequence with gutter cast, graded bedding, small h.
Forming-stage of turbidity sediments within the Huqiao Form.