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1)interdigital,指状组合型的2)composite head shape,组合形状的封头3)combined model of the stock index volatility,指数波动组合模型4)digitate,分指状的5)fingery,指状的6)morphemes exsit in only one combining form,组合指数为1的语素


    The Proportion of the "Unique Elements" to All Morphemes in Modern Chinese;


    "%1" is an array with elements defined as %2

    “%1”是一个其元素被定义为 %2 的数组

    Vertex normal index (%1) out of bounds. Bad element in indices array

    顶点法线指数 (%1) 超出上限。指数数组中的元素不正确

    Vertex position index (%1) out of bounds. Bad element in indices array.

    顶点位置指数 (%1) 超出上限。指数数组中的元素不正确。

    Transitive Index Of Boolean Matrix With The Element Of Diagonal Line Being One;


    Too few elements in non-empty trimesh indices array (minimum 7)

    非空三阶指数数组中的元素太少 (最少为 7)

    In PL / 1, a single item of data as opposed to a collection of data items such as an array;a scalar item.


    An Analysis and Study on the Combination of Pointer and Array in C-language;


    Procedure or function %.*ls has too many arguments specified.

    为过程或函数 %1! 指定的参数太多。

    Matrix (Mat): (1) Mould from which typeface is cast or photographic master of type fount. (2) An array of elements in row and column form.


    At least one element in the specified array was null.


    Trimesh index offset (%1) out of bounds of indices array. Indices array too small or bad step/stride for vertex positions.

    三维指数偏移量 (%1) 超出指数数组上限。指数数组太小或顶点位置的步长(步幅)不正确。

    Trimesh index offset (%1) out of bounds of indices array. Indices array too small or bad step/stride for vertex normals.

    三维指数偏移量 (%1) 超出指数数组上限。指数数组太小或顶点法线的步长(步幅)不正确。

    In PASCAL, a collection of nonreal scalar elements, called members.


    In PL / 1, the number of bound specifications in an array declaration.


    In PASCAL or PL/1, the upper or lower limit to the subscript values of an array dimension.


    Sum of the Combinatorial Numbers (-x)xxm;


    Lower bound of array %1 was changed from %2 to %3.

    数组 %1 的下限已从 %2 更改为 %3。

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