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quality consciousness是什么意思



1)quality consciousness,质量意识2)Quality awareness,质量意识3)acquaintance of quality,质量意识4)consciousness of medicine quality,药品质量意识5)quality assurance consciousness,质量安全意识6)intrinsic quality sense,内在质量意识


    Investigation and analysis on the quality consciousness about basic nursing among the nurses;


    Improving quality consciousness of higher vocational and technical education;


    Based on improving the quality consciousness of employee,the spot management is insured by the strict technique measures,and the product quality and economic benefit are improved.


    At last the paper discuss how to strengthen the quality awareness for Chinese companies from five sides,which includes quality law views,quality morality,quality suffering awareness,brand awareness and quality regulation.


    Improving the quality awareness of enterprises quality promotion.


    Strengthening acquaintance of quality is key point to improve the quality of housing project;

    强化工程质量意识 提高住宅工程质量

    Carrying out new edition ISO 9000 standard and intensify acquaintance of quality;

    强化质量意识 贯彻新版ISO9000标准

    The consciousness of medicine quality should be cultivated in Medicinal Analysis teaching which not only includes theory teaching in which students can grasp the basic rules and methods, but also experiment teaching that students may improve their technical abilities.


    From management viewpoints according to the every link of quality management discussion is made from intensifying contract management, improving quality assurance consciousness and other aspects; at the same time corresponding measures are proposed to ensure engineering quality.

    从质量管理的角度出发 ,针对质量管理的各个环节 ,从强化合同管理 ,提高质量安全意识和质量管理效率等方面进行了探讨 ,提出了保障工程质量的有效措

    To strengthen the intrinsic quality sense of editors in editing; 3.


    On the Strengthening of the Quality Consciousness of Editors and Correctors in Order to Improve the Editing Quality of Books;


    Consolidate Quality Ideology Raise Administration Level in Highway Project Quality;

    强化质量意识 提高公路工程质量管理水平

    Creating Concept Quality and Upgrading Teaching Level;


    Improving quality consciousness of higher vocational and technical education;


    Carrying out new edition ISO 9000 standard and intensify acquaintance of quality;

    强化质量意识 贯彻新版ISO9000标准

    On Establishing the Consciousness of "Customer Satisfaction" in Higher Education;


    Study on Strengthening of Quality Awareness with the Case of Mitsubishi Auto;


    Strengthening the Idea of Teaching Quality Improving Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation;


    Set Up Quality Standard of Statistical Data and Intensify Awareness of Whole Quality;

    制定统计数据质量标准 强化全面质量管理意识

    Improving the Quality of Classroom Teaching and Inspiring the Innovation Consciousness of Students;


    Enhance the Student s Service Consciousness, Promote the Quality of Vocational Eeducation;

    强化学生服务意识 提高高职教育质量

    The Actuality of Sleep Quality and Sleep Hygiene Awareness Among College Students;


    An Analysis on the Orientation of Quality and Quantity of the Foreign-Trade Interpretation;


    Promotion of Magenines Quality of Sports Scientific and Teehnology by creatlng Concept;

    树立创新意识 提高体育科技期刊质量

    Establish Eight Kinds of Consciousness to Improve Journals Quality;

    树立“八种意识” 提高学报质量

    “Packing Conciousness” in the Quality of Journal Editing and Proofreading;


    Improve the quality of medical records writing and enhance the awareness of laws and regulations

    增强法律法规意识 提高病案书写质量

    To boost up the participant consciousness on quality management of nurses and to improve division nursing quality.

    目的 :调动护士质量管理的参与意识 ,提高科室护理质量。

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