Some martensite like bainites such as crossed type and midrib type in the alloy were investigated.
A review for the continental drift theory from the mid-ocean ridge——Give consideration to the expanding Earth hypothesis;
Exploration for Hydrothermal Fluids of Mid-Ocean Ridge and Novel Chemical Sensors;
In this paper, a review of the InterRidge Workshop 2003, Beijing is made, and the organization, task and progress of the InterRidge Workshop as well as the trends of mid-ocean ridge geology studies in the fduture are introduced in brief.
评述了2003年10月27 30日在北京召开的"大洋中脊国际学术研讨会",简要介绍了国际大洋中脊协会(InterRidge)的机构组成、任务和工作进展,以及今后大洋中脊地质研究的发展趋势。
A nascent bainitic midrib corresponding to a bainite nucleus within the retained austenite was found in 9SiCr steel treated isothermally at 350?℃ using transmission electron microscopy.
用透射电镜在 35 0℃等温处理的 9SiCr钢中发现残留奥氏体内有相当贝氏体核的初生贝氏体中脊 ,在此基础上提出了贝氏体的形核机
The morphology of bainite with midrib and the characteristics of bainitic midrib in medium carbon low alloy cast steel have been investigated in detail by means of optical microscope,SEM and TEM,and the transformation mechanism of bainite with midrib has been analyzed.
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