In this article,the author considers the main cause of Huishang s decline lies in three factors.
Sixteen quantitative traits of 22 strains in Lentinula edodes were classified into five principal factors with low correlation through the method of factor analysis.
It was proved that if a π-inverse semigroup S is residual finite,then every principal factor of S is either null or group with 0 or Brandt semigroup.
研究了π -逆半群的剩余有限性 ,证明了 :若一个π -逆半群是剩余有限的 ,则每个主因子要么是零积半群 ,要么是带零群 ,要么是 Brandt半群 ;刻画了π -逆半群的主因子的剩余有限性 ;同时得到了π -逆半群是剩余有限的一个充分条件 。
Determination of main factors in synthetic fuzzy evaluation of woolen sweater style;
Three main factors are selected and calculating the results of all universities.
Cloning and sequence analysis of rice gene OsTOM3 homologue to RNA virus host factor in Arabidopsis;
The Cloning and Functional Identification of a RNA Virus Host Factor Gene TTOM1 from Tomato;
A variety of host factors have been identified to be involved in the intracellular multiplication of viruses.
Correlative analysis of resistance-related factors in apple fruits to apple fruit ring rot disease;
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