The influence of Pine Pollen on rDNA transcription activity of peripheral blood lymphocyte in arsenic poisoning rats;
Influence of L-meq Gene on Transcription Level of p53 mRNA in Chicken Embryo Fibroblast in Latent Period of Marek Disease;
马立克病潜伏期L-meq基因对CEF细胞p53 mRNA转录水平的影响
Recent progress in the study of HIV-1 transcription factor NF-κB and its inhibitors;
The transcriptional ability of these DNA fragments on α4 - gene are evaluated to.
-labeled TIMP -1 transcripts as target RNAs and -labeled ribozyme, which was transcribed from t.
用体外转录法大量制备以 [α 3 2 P]UTP标记的核酶及靶RNA ,进行体外切割实验。
Study on in vitro transcription and translation of the precore variant of hepatitis B virus;
Reconstruction of cMTsGH Gene and Its Integration and Translation in Crucian Carp (Carassius aumtus);
The linearized DNA fragments of the all fish gene were microinjected into the fertilized crucian carp eggs, and the rates of integration and translation were examined.
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