In order to put forward the industrialization of the FRP fishing boat, the writers consulted a lot of materials in our country and abroad, and conducted burning tests for some slices of FRP ship s bulk, and then bring forward rules for this kind of test .
After different sediments ignitions, Smax was 1.
Ultrafine Bi 2O 3 powder was prepared by weak base hydroxylation burn method.
For recovering divanadium pentoxide from waste vanadium catalyst,a comprehensive processing including ammonium bicarbonate leaching and burning is adopted.
With pretreatment by combustion method, the nickel amount supported in carbon steel nanotube is determined by dimethylglyoxime weight method and accurate and stable analysis results are obtained.
采用灼烧法预处理、丁二酮肟重量分析法来测定载镍碳纳米管的载镍量 ,获得稳定而准确的分析结果。
Effects of burning on the chemical properties of soil in protective ground;
The technology of sedimentation and burning for scandium was studied.
The influences were studied of different thermal activation conditions on the calcination loss,superficial morphology,pore volume of silica gel carriers,the activity of catalysts supported by silica gel and polymer morphology.
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