The molecule is represented by its highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals, and the analysis involves the simultaneous consideration of three coupled fluxes: the electronic current through the molecule, energy flow between the molecule and electron-hole excitations in the leads and the incident and/or emitted photon flux.
Drawing atomic orbital and electronic cloud using MATLAB;
The Fission Results and Index System of Atomic Orbital and Atomic Spectrum in Various Symmetry Groups;
This article discusses the instability of some heavy atoms of higher oxidation states in P-block element and the various reasons of the inertial of the electrons,which in a 6s atomic orbital.
从原子轨道的结构特征及有效核电荷等方面讨论了P区重元素的高氧化态的不稳定性,说明造成6 s电子惰性的原因是多方面的。
By analysis of the frontier molecular orbitals,the main transition is from the π bonding orbitals to the π~* antibonding orbitals,the zinc is very minor to the transition contribution.
The quantum chemical parameters and also the structures of the highest occupied molecular orbitals have been analyzed in detail.
Mulliken atomic charges and Mulliken atomic spin densities in the molecules have been analyzed combining with the structures of 6 highest occupied molecular orbitals.
Visualization Program of AO and MO——Orbital Viewer;
原子及分子轨道演示软件——Orbital Viewer
The steady geometric configuration,molecular orbit and bond order were obtained.
By the establishment of gas discharge plasma emission spectrum measuring system, the gas discharge emission spectrum of NO/N2 and pure N2 is obtained respectively, and then the model of molecular orbit of N2 either in ground state or its excitated state is worked out by using method of molecular orbit Ab initio in Self-Consistent Field (SCF).
The obtained molecular orbital ratio shows a wid.
得到的分子轨道比率显示了 σ-轨道和 π-轨道之间的明显分离 ,π-轨道大部分存在于HOMO-和 L U MO-能量级附近 。
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