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dump injection是什么意思



1)dump injection,自流注水2)dumpflooding,自流注水3)flood suction,自流注水4)natural water dumping,自流注水5)water dumping,自流注水6)dumpflood well,自流注水井7)dumpwater injector,自流注水井8)water dumping rate,自流注水量9)water dumping well,自流注水井10)artesian,自流


    Pointing at the out of dam swampiness and geologic conditions of Dingzhuang Reservoir, the out of dam swampiness of the reservoir has been controlled effectively by use of the seepage drainage scheme of artesian seepage wells combined with subsuface pipes, and the seepage drainage method out of dam for plain reservoirs has been discussed usefully.

    针对丁庄水库坝外沼泽化的情况及库区的地质条件 ,采取自流渗井结合暗管的排渗方案很好的解决了坝外沼泽化的问题 ,对平原水库坝外排渗方法进行了有益的探讨。

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