According to our country s witness rules, natural person or body can be witness in court.
The core of the problem was that a series of reforms were based on the theoretical basis that the property rights of legal person would operate independently without that of natural person.
国有企业改革迄今仍难以取得突破 ,其症结即在于已出台的一系列改革方案是以法人产权完全不需要自然人产权作基础而可独立运营来作其理论基础的。
By the model of order-oriented education, polytechnic colleges cultivate more specialized personnel employed in enterprises and less individual who is inclined to start a business as a natural person.
Criminal crime can be committed by a unit and a natural man,and its punishment should be determined in accordance with the actual situation.
American romantic writer Nathaniel Hawthorne created a series of images of natural man in his many novels.
This paper explains their humanism thoughts and its realistic significance from the three aspects of natural man,social man,and historical man.
Under the background of the modern legal speaking, can "natural persons" also have its location for existence? When the law is increasingly alienated from human conscience, is it to be a law that we wanted? As a rule of regularizing the specific acts of human being, the law should be linked with humanity, the human desire and requirement.
Then he points out the establishment of our country s bankruptcy system of natural persons is not only a realistic requirement of economic development but the inevitable choice of reforming and opening and ma.
From the point view of those involving in such crimes, natural persons, danwei and particeps criminis should all be taken into consideration.
Coordinate the relationship between man and nature,and push forward the establishment of a nation of innovation;
谐调人与自然关系 促进创新型国家的建立
Develop circulating economy,advance harmonious between man and nature;
发展循环经济 促进人与自然和谐相处
The idea of harmony between man and nature and its modern values:A perspective on the traditional society of Yunnan s ethnic minorities;
The View of China s Modernization of Harmony between Human and Nature;
Thinking about harmonious relationship between human and nature;
The harmony between human and nature is the foundation for building harmonious society;
Implementing the " Three Represents" theory to promote harmonious development between human being and nature;
贯彻"三个代表"重要思想促 进人与自然协调发展
The harmony between human being and nature is decided by how to know the nature.
The characteristic of organic food and its functions for harmonious development between human being and nature are introduced.
(j) "person" means either a natural person or a juridical person;
Natural Persons’ Society and Natural Persons’ Law;
Human is nature,as well as non-nature--Reading notes on homiaology
Category of Artificial Nature and Its Structural Features;
Respect yourself, or no one else will.
People use natural science to understand and change nature.
The Model of Natural Power--the Mathematical Demonstration of HarmoniousRelation between Human and Nature;
Necessity and Freedom--A Dialectical Meditation on the Relationship Between Man and Nature;
Natural Humanization and Natural Person--Introspection on Atheletic Sports;
Nature: Intermedia of Reflection and Mirror on Man Himself--Exploration on New Value of Nature;
The artist is the lover of Nature, therefore he is her slave and her master.
The good-tempered man tends to be unperturbed.
The old man said with all his serenity.
Men turned to nature itself.
Not one suggestion that he look at his own record-- and she could have made, oh, so many, and such blistering ones!
Of course, it's because they didn't have room for so many.
contrived by art rather than nature.
A man is related to all nature.
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