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combination thermal drive是什么意思



1)combination thermal drive,综合热驱2)syndrome heat consumption,综合热耗3)Combinedheating method,综合加热4)Integrated heating price,综合热价5)warm water driving,热水驱聚合物驱6)synthesis / specification-driven,综合/行为驱动


    It is studied that the value of syndrome heat consumption on the wide sectional tunnel kiln relates to the kiln structure and made from materials,and fuel,and the firing curve,combining the prototype with the theoretical calculation.

    对原型先进窑炉结合实际测定和理论计算研究的基础上 ,应用热工理论和软件技术研究了宽断面隧道窑的综合热耗与窑炉结构、材质、燃料以及产品烧成曲线之间的关系 ,应用计算机模拟仿真 ,优化各项参数 ,可以简单而迅速地在输入参数下得到相应条件下的烧成温度曲线和综合热耗的最佳值 ,并作了举例说

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