The comprehensive research on shock-resistance for warships;
The comprehensive research of Japanese housing and city and tentative results of architecture technology are introduced from two aspects of hardware.
The main tendencies of the 21st century social science is the continuous development of the comprehensive research, the integration of science and society and the strengthening of social science research, and the broad application of the research method quantitative.
进入 2 1世纪时社会科学发展的主要趋势是综合研究不断发展 ,应用性研究的比重逐渐增加 ,定量化研究方法的广泛应用 ,科学与社会的一体化和社会科学研究的强
This paper sums up experiments of regional geological survey based on long field practice and comprehensive study.
The comprehensive study on the Six-dynasties incident novel touched mainly the next several problems:On category of incident novel;On study of flourshing cause and aesthetical feature of "Shishuo"style;On study of aesthetical feature of "Zaji"style;On study of independent status and aesthetical feature of "Xiaolin"style.
对六朝轶事小说 (志人小说 )的综合研究 ,主要集中在下述几个方面 :关于轶事小说的子类划分 ;关于“世说”体小说兴盛原因及审美特征的探讨 ;关于“杂记”体小说审美特征的探讨 ;关于“笑林”体小说的独立地位及审美特征的探讨。
In their main lines stand out the case study, comparative study inclusive of elementary, partial and whole viewpoints, historical study, and comprehensive study inclusive of microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic perspectives.
其研究思路主要有四条 :个案研究 ,比较研究 (含要素的、局部的和整体的三个级次 ) ,历史研究和综合研究 (含微观的、中观的和宏观的三个层面 )。
n this paper, some issues related to the study of integrated physical geography have been explored, such as the target and contents of the study of integrated physical geography, meanings of integrated study, regional studies of integrated physical geography, and practical use of the results from the study of integrated physical geography.
The integrated study in geography mainly had those following insufficiencies in the past: (1) the weakness of basic theoretic study; (2) the insufficiency of overlapping and fusion between nature-humanities researches; and (3) in favor of qualitative and monotonous way of synthesization.
His study has a more important influence on the later study on inscription on animal bones and tortoise shells and his study mainly displays two aspects: one is writing textual research and explication,the other is synthetic study.
Espedally in the synthetic study and the ocmparative study we have made a considerableheadway as we got the presupposition of the achievement of Byron study overseas.
Professor Huang Bingwei and integrative research of physical geography;
The environmental factors are integrative researched,and then their structure and function,material transporting,energy transforming and the rule of terrain difference are discovered in the physical geography research.
By studying development and trend of both spatial analysis and integrative research of physical geography, there comes to a conclusion as followed.
It is to carry out integrated researches including sap (well) geophysical and geochemical exploration (protolith absorption hydrocarbon, obsorption phase mercury, structural geochemistry, etc.
In order to raise the level and extent of environmental-geological sur vey,according to the requirements of all kinds of users,proceeding with information integration modules and integrated research modules,the au thors constructed the1∶5000.
Huang Bingwei, “Geography will loss the base for its existence without integrated geographic research”, and “integrated research is a main developing trend of physical geography, and a most effective approach to run departments of physical geography”, integrated geographic research includes modern precesses and historical formation which are related and supplement each other.
Studies on Classfication and Synthesis of Composite Dynamic Loads;
Nomura Research Institute 7.2 percent
野村综合研究所 7.2%
Comprehensive Study on Confidence-building Measures
Research on Load Model Synthesis Based on Multi-curve Fitting Method
Research progress of Leigh syndrome and Leigh likeness syndrome
PRD (Polytechnical Research and Development)
The Progression About Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome Study
Research and Realization of Combinational Logic Synthesis in VHDL High-Level Synthesis System;
Multiple Outlook: Probe of Comprehensive Subjective Research in Construction of Multiple Curriculum;
Study of Using Synthetic Management Technology for PRRSV Eradication;
Bartter and Gitelman Syndrom: A Case Report and Review;
A Comprehensive Study on the Relations Between Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Psychological and Social Factors;
From Single to Complex-Research of the Complex Dinning Hall for College Students;
Molecular Genetic Analysis of Waardenburg Syndrome and Non-syndromic Hearing Loss
Web cartographic generalization based on database generalization and SVG
Study on the Cooperative Mode of the Production, Teaching and Research in Local Comprehensive Universities;
Research on the Comprehensive Evaluation Model in the Partner Selection of Virtual Enterprises
Electrophysiologic Study of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus;
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