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total policy是什么意思



1)total policy,总方针2)the general policy for education,教育总方针3)the policy of culture and education of the Soviet Republic of China,苏维埃文化教育总方针4)the new democracy general course of culture and education,新民主主义文化教育总方针5)lumping strategy,集总方法6)aggregation methods,汇总方法


    These provided abundant experiences and lay the good theories foundation to the right total policy for the meeting,His speaking was active,and views were original,these directly promoted the total policy s formation.


    The aim of this paper is to inquire into the current significance of the policy of culture and education of the Soviet Republic of China on countryside educational development through its advance,content and value.


    One is the aggregation methods,the other is the issue of data collection.


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