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composite catalog是什么意思



1)composite catalog,总目录2)general catalogue,总目录3)consolidated trade catalog,商品总目录4)complete collection,总目5)Zongmu,《总目》6)superorder,总目7)heading,总目8)head,总目9)general contents,总目次10)Expansion of repertoire,总目拓展


    This paper bases upon the text just to explain the pragmatism in the learning criticism of <Zongmu>.


    Results showed that the compilation and printing of indexes were rather confusing and only three of them were actually used: general contents, subject index and author index.


    The author has learned standards about compiling the general contents and indices of journals of China, read and checked fifty journals and made statistics and analysis of the general contents and indices.

    鉴于部分学报编辑对“总目次”和“索引”编排规范执行得不够严格 ,作者查阅了全国 5 0种学报 ,并对照有关标准和规范 ,就各项内容做了量化统计分析 ,发现这方面存在不少问题。

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