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compressional window是什么意思



1)compressional window,纵波窗口2)filter windows,滤波窗口3)wavelength window,波长窗口4)waveguide window,波导窗口5)window filtering,窗口滤波6)tile vertically,纵向平铺窗口


    The proposed filter calculated the noise rate of the corrupted image based on the minimum local entropy, and utilized the noise rate to determine the size of filter windows and the number of pixels to be brushed off in the filter windows of Alpha-trimmed mean filter, and then used the average of leaved pixels gray as the output of the filter.


    The proposed filter calculates the noise rate of the corrupted images based on the minimum local entropy, and utilizes the noise rate to determine the size of filter windows and the number of pixels to be brushed off in the filter windows of Alpha-trimmed mean filter, and then uses the average of leaved pixels gray as the output of the filter.


    Firstly, it explains the development of various kinds of optical fibers, including the standard single mode fiber (SMF), dispersion shifted fiber (DSF), and non zero dispersion fiber (NZDF), it also explains the operating wavelength windows, including 1.


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