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longitudinal rift是什么意思



1)longitudinal rift,纵向裂谷2)longitudinal range-gorge,纵向岭谷3)longitudinal range-gorge region,纵向岭谷4)longitudinal range-gorge region,纵向岭谷区5)LRGR,纵向岭谷区6)longitudinal tear,纵向撕裂


    The three parallel rivers region in the north part of the longitudinal range-gorge region of south-west China is the typical area to form high mountains and deep valleys.


    The results show that(1)the barrier and passage effects of longitudinal range-gorge break the law of zonal distribution of air temperature in Yunnan,the law of longitudinal distribution of air temperature is obvious and the spatial distribution is very zonally asymmetry;(2)under the effect .

    结果表明:(1)纵向岭谷地形的“阻隔—通道”作用,使云南温度的纬向分布规律被破坏,经向分布规律比较明显,空间分布极不均匀;(2)纵向岭谷作用下云南热量地域分布差异显著,南部热量丰富,北部欠缺,西部比东部丰富,河谷地区热量最丰富,滇西北及山区热量最贫乏;(3)6、7月热量最丰沛,1月最为贫乏,春季热量好于秋季;(4)近30 a云南年平均气温有明显的上升趋势,存在明显的7 a、11 a、18 a周期振荡;(5)云南年平均气温具有大范围位相一致的变化趋势及东部冷(暖)与西部暖(冷)的变化类型。

    The region of three parallel rivers in Northwest Yunnan is the unique landforms region which has longitudinal range-gorge,it s the natural heritage area in the world.


    An improved discriminant method and its application in forecasting summer precipitation in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region;


    According to this standard,the area whose rainy season began first was located in the north part of longitudinal range-gorge region in southeast of Tibetan Plateau.


    Ecological security assessment and affecting factors analysis of longitudinal range-gorge region in Yunnan Province,China;


    The Application of a Nonlinear Complex Assessment Model on Ecological Security Assessment in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region of Yunnan Province;


    Effects of road networks on regional ecosystems in Southwest mountain area:A case study in Jinhong of Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region;


    Based on the road network of LRGR,spatial discrepancy of regional road network distribution was investigated using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis.


    Taking road network in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region(LRGR) as an case study,we got the bound of road-effect zone through overlay method of GIS considering its influencing factors.


    Not only is LRGR(Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region) the sole corridor for floraexchanging from China, even southeast of Eurasia to the Equator, but also is the flourishingregion where China carry out the development strategy for GMS and Sino-ASEAN economycooperation.

    纵向岭谷区(Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region,LRGR)是连接我国以及欧亚大陆植物区系通过东南亚大陆与赤道热带相联系的唯一通道,同时是我国实施“澜沧江—湄公河次区域经济合作”以及“中国—东盟自由贸易区建设”等国家重大发展战略的热点地区。

    The longitudinal tear accident of transportation belt happens occasionally in transportation coal system of the power plants, once the tear accident happened, the transportation belt which values hundreds of thousands even millions $ will destroy within several minutes, and causes enormous economic loss.


    Through advance prevention principle of longitudinal tear,and two torn situation at loading point compression of materials,and foreign body penetrating tearing,it designs sensor devices to prevent loading and tearing pressure penetrating with irregular body.


    Variation in Climatic Characteristics and Ecological Implications in the Longitudinal Range-gorge Region of Yunnan, Southwest China;


    The Change of Land Use and It's Ecological Effect in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region;


    Lucc in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region, Southwest of China;


    Analysis on Ecology Security Assessment and Spatial Pattern of Lrgr in the Southwest of China;


    Spatiotemporal variation characteristics of air temperature in Longitudinal Ridge-gorge Region of Yunnan in recent century


    Adaptation Assessment of Eco-environment in the Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region (LRGR) under the Changing Climate


    The Landform Development and Environment Effects of Three Parallel Rivers in the North of Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region (LRGR);


    Rule of Temporal-spatial Changes of Ecosystem Service in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region, Southwest of China;


    Study on the River Ecological Integrity under the Threat of Hydropower Development in LRGR


    The influential threshold of road netowrk impacts on the ecosystem in londitudinal range-gorge region of Yunnan Provice,China


    The multi-scale effect of road network on the ecosystem in Longitudinal Range-Gorge region of Yunnan Province


    Cumulative effect of highway networks on ecological functions of wetlands in the Longitudinal Range-Gorge region


    Erosion-environmental Effect of Land-use in Alpine Gorges in West Yunnan:Taking Three Drainage Areas as Example


    Influence of Land-Use in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region in Yunnan on Soil Erosion--Taking Three Drainage Areas of Heihuijiang,Longchuanjiang and Panlonghe as Examples


    Spatial Differentiation Analysis of Disturbance Effect of Road Network Based on RV Index:A Case Study in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region


    Geographical Patterns of Floristic Transition of Seed Plant in North-south Range-gorge Region in Western Yunnan and the Biogeographical Significance


    He had been making north by east, away from the Dease Divide and into the Coppermine Valley.


    the fore-and-aft rig of a schooner


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