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fabric selectivity是什么意思



1)fabric selectivity,组构选择性2)fabric,组构3)Configuration,组构4)fabrics,组构5)configuration fractal,组构分形6)microscopic constitution,微观组构7)magnetic fabric,磁组构8)typical ore fabrics,典型组构9)fabric anomaly,组构异常10)biological fabric,生物组构


    Microfabric Characteristics of Ultrahigh Pressure Jadeite-Quartzite and Its Rheology Significances in Shuanghe, Dabie Mountains;


    EBSD analysis of rock fabrics and its application;


    According to results of analysis on some cases from coal fields in the eastern China and simulation by deformation expeiments under high temperature and confining pressure,it is indicated that in coal bearing strata quartz C fabric is often of sparse small circle pattern and its axis is of obvious stress directing significance.


    Characteristics of the Bohai Sea and Arctic sea ice fabrics and crystals;


    The deformations were characterized by high temperature state deformation during the later stage of the emplacement or slight later emplacement, in addition to some preserved fabrics formed by magmatic flow.


    The stratigraphic contact relationships, the unconformity relationships and their microscopic constitutions were discussed, and a new classification scheme based on macroscopic style of unconformity was suggested in the paper.


    The principle and application of magnetic fabric to paleocurrent estimation of drilling cores;


    Characteristics of Late Cenozoic magnetic fabric in Honggouzi area of western Qaidam Basin and their significance;


    Three dimension construction and magnetic fabric analysis of the Yanjinggou fault-propagation fold in western Sichuan;


    The abstract technique of fabric anomaly makes the abnormality evaluation of petroleum geochemical prospecting enter a new stage and develop a new way for oil and gas gechemical exploration as well as make a system study for the data pre-processing,index optimization, mono-index anomaly extractio.


    This paper discusses the relationship of biological fabrics of ore minerals with biochemical actions.


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