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most favoured licence clause是什么意思



1)most favoured licence clause,最惠特许条款2)most favoured nation,最惠国3)MFN treatment,最惠国待遇4)most-favored-nation treatment,最惠国待遇5)MFN,最惠国待遇6)MFN Exemptions,最惠国豁免


    Analysis of effect scope application of MFN Treatment in TRIPS Agreement;


    The issue of like product in MFN plays a key role in defining MFN treatment.


    On the Complementarities of the Principles of Most-Favored-Nation Treatment and Reciprocity;


    Non-discrimination treatment includes national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment.


    This article proceeds with research of the international financial service trade barrier, has described the frame of law of WTO s financial service trade ,have explained the basic law principle of WTO s financial service trade especially, have studied the principle of national treatment, the market access and most-favored-nation treatment principle of GATS especially a-mong the


    During Clinton administration, MFN issue and the passed PNTR bill are the most important things to be concerned in which many interest groups are involved.


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