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Autonomous Tariff是什么意思



1)Autonomous Tariff,自主税则2)Tariff autonomy,关税自主3)autonomous tariff,自主关税4)automatic tariff system,自主税制5)nonmaleficence,自主原则6)Autonomy of the tariff,关税自主权


    There have been divers comments on the tariff autonomy policy of Nanjing National Government, because different commentators have different arguments and viewpoints.

    厘清南京国民政府争取关税自主的历史背景 ,是正确评价南京国民政府关税自主活动的关键。

    In this article , we will propose four principles autonomy, nonmaleficence, informed consent and justice as the basic principles .

    根据网络主体道德活动方式的特点可知 ,网络伦理的基本原则应当主要包括无害原则 ,自主原则 ,知情同意原则和公正原

    Research on the Tariff Autonomy of China between 1920 and 1930;


    CHEN Du -xiu and Tariff Self -Determi nation Movement during the National Revolution Period;


    Japan and the “Revolutionary Diplomacy” of the Chinese National Government: An Investigation of the Negotiations on Tariff Autonomy;


    For tariff refund, taxation and customs authorities;


    They are of two main classes, protective duties and revenue duties.


    State Administration of Taxation and local taxation authorities.


    The Study of Establishing the Main Tax Category of the Local Government;


    Thoughts on the Choosing of Our Main Local Taxes;


    Marxist Tariff Theories and China s Tariff Policy;


    VAT and the Consumption Tax were levied and administered by the State competent departments of taxation, while the Business Tax was collected and administered by the local competent departments of taxation.


    Tariffs and quotas are the two major forms of trade restrictions ( or protectionism ), which interfere with the free flow of trade among nations.


    Taxation programs are successful only through the voluntary compliance of entities being taxed.


    Taxpayers selling immovable properties shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the immovable properties are located.


    Taxpayers who wish to change the location in which they file tax returns and pay tax shall obtain the approval of the original tax authorities-in-charge.


    Taxpayers engaged in the transportation business shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the business establishment is located.


    Taxpayers transferring land use rights shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the land is located.


    A Study of Property Tax as the Main Type of County Government Tax Revenue;


    Where the taxable value of the taxable consumer goods of the taxpayer is obviously low and without proper justification, the taxable value shall be determined by the competent tax authorities.


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