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S-shaped hook是什么意思



1)S-shaped hook,S形钩2)'S'keeper hook,“S”形钩子3)S-shaped,“S”形4)S shape,S形5)analysis of's profile,S形分析6)S-shaped wheel web plate,S形辐板


    The spherical milling cutter with S-shaped cutting edge is stated and the mathematical models for the tool face and back face is studied, the corresponding producing mechanisms are also depicted in sketch map, and the feasibility of the machining is also analyzed.

    探讨了机器人外形美观设计的重要性和外型复杂曲面加工的可行性 ,从而阐述了研制“S”形球面铣刀的意义 ,然后研究了加工刀具的前刀面和后刀面的数学模型与工业实现的机构可行性 ,并给出了相关的数学公式和加工数据 ,最后得出结论用简单的 2轴完全可以实现在传统上用 4轴数控机床才能加工的“S”形球头刀 ,为简化复杂刀具的加工进行探讨。

    The evolution of S shape signifies a deep pursuit of both image and artistic expression.


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