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x ray flaw detection是什么意思

中文翻译x 射线探伤


1)x ray flaw detection,x 射线探伤2)X-ray detection,X射线探伤3)X-ray inspection,X射线探伤4)X-ray detection,X-射线探伤5)X-ray radiographic inspection,X射线探伤6)X-ray fault detection,X-射线探伤7)X-ray flaw detection,X-射线探伤8)X ray sets,X射线探伤机9)X-ray crack detection film,X射线探伤胶片10)X-ray non-destructive testing,X射线探伤法


    For the X-ray detection of castings,the individual detection by plumbean house image-intensifier has been used as the main way for a long time.


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