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Erichsen cupping test是什么意思



1)Erichsen cupping test,埃里克森杯突试验2)Airy phase,埃里相3)Erikson,埃里克森4)Erik Satie,埃里克·萨蒂5)ericsson heat engine,埃里克森热机6)Ericsson refrigerator,埃里克森制冷机


    It is a graphic method based onthe velocity feature of the seam wave Airy phase.


    A Comparison between Piaget s and Erikson s Outlooks on Moral Development;


    Erikson s eight phases theory about development of personality is representative theory of New Freudism.


    Erik Satie (1866 - 1925), is one of most creative musicians in the end of 19C and early 20C of French.


    A general cycle model of a solar-driven Ericsson heat engine system is set up.

    文中建立太阳能驱动的埃里克森热机系统的一般循环模型 ,探讨回热损失和内不可逆性因素对其循环效率和集热器最佳工作温度的影响 ,导出系统的最大效率和太阳能集热器的最佳工作温度 。

    A model of ferroeletric Ericsson refrigerator has been worked out.

    给出了一种铁电埃里克森制冷机模型 ,利用铁电晶体的热力学性质 ,应用有限时间热力学理论 ,探讨热阻及非理想回热对一类铁电埃里克森制冷机的影响 ,所得结论可为回热式铁电制冷机的研制和设计提供理论指

    By using finite-time thermodynamics and the thermodynamic properties of a ferroelectric, the influence of thermal resistances and nonperfect regeneration on a class of ferroelectric Ericsson refrigerators is searched.

    根据铁电晶体的热力学性质 ,应用有限时间热力学理论 ,探讨热阻及非理想回热对一类铁电埃里克森制冷机的影响 ,所得结论可为回热式铁电制冷机的研制和设计提供些新理论指导 。

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